We are very pleased to inform you that another H2020 project with SRI in the consortium, was granted.

The project called, DROP-IT (full title: DRop-on demand flexible Optoelectronics & Photovoltaics by means of Lead-Free halide perovskITes), focuses on combining optoelectronics and photonics in a single flexible drop-on demand inkjet technology platform by means of exploiting the enormous potential of lead-free perovskite (LFP) materials.

The project is estimated for 3,46M € and will last 36 months.

SRI’s tasks focus on Inkjet-printed solar cells based on LFPs (Lead-Free Perovskites).

The leader of the consortium is Universitat de Valencia, and other consortium partners are Universitat de Barcelona, Universitat Jaume i de Castellon, ETH Zurich, Institut National Des Sciences Applliquess de Rennes, Saule, and Avantama AG.

We anticipate that the project will start in November 2019.